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Wet grass

Turf King Micro SGN 90

Turf King SGN 90 is the smallest granular fertilizer we manufacture through a precise screening process to provide the ideal product for the finest turf surfaces. Greens and tees will benefit from these micro blends that have the ability to sift through the thatch layer of the green's surface while maintaining a playable surface. This allows the ability to fertilize as need despite course traffic. Available by the 50-pound bag. 

Turf King 0-0-50

Sulfate of Potash

Turf King 11-52-0

Monoammonium Phosphate

Turf King 18-9-18

75% Nutralene, 25% Ammonical & 23% Magnesium

Turf King 19-0-19

70% Nutralene Urea, .3% Fe & .3% Magnesium

Turf King 15-21-9

50% Meth, .8% Mn, .8% Mg & 1% Fe

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